Posts tagged health
How to Fill up your battery pack

You deserve to feel good! Everyone around you wants you to feel good too, because your happiness affects them. This is why putting your happiness and energy above anything else is the most responsible thing you can do. 

Putting your own needs, happiness and fulfilment ahead of all responsibilities is the least selfish and most intelligent response to overwhelm.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and wanting more energy instead, then answer these questions that I ask all of my clients when we first start talking about energy:

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Intuitively And Intently Moving Through The (New) Year

New Year's resolutions may have not quite started to fall into place yet or are beginning to wane. I cannot stress how important it is to be okay with that. When we make new year's resolutions in the middle of a time, when energetically we aren't ready to begin (because we should be 'hibernating'), we often jump to something that doesn't quite feel right or we don't feel ready for.

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Why your Back Hurts And Why your Health Practitioner Can’t Tell you Exactly Why you Feel Pain

We all have wear and tear on the spine, it is part of the ageing process. But not all wear and tear will cause pain or discomfort.

If we looked at an MRI of a 27 year old spine and that of a 50 year old spine, they can look very similar, with wear and tear showing in the same places. Yet only one of these people may feel back pain and it isn’t necessarily going to be the 50 year old.

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Can Pilates Reverse Osteoporosis?

Bone is considered ‘living tissue’ and all living tissue is under a constant cycle of breakdown and regeneration. Osteopenia and Osteoporosis occur when the natural breakdown of the bone tissue is either faster or more efficient than the bodies ability to rebuild bone.

Just like a muscle, the bone can be strengthened. There are certain things we can do to encourage our bodies to build bone and reverse Osteoporosis.

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Why Discomfort Is Good For You

There is a difference between pain and discomfort. Pain should absolutely be avoided, in fact your body will do it’s best to avoid pain. It will respond automatically and will ‘jump’ you out of a movement that brings you pain (think of picking up a hot pan). Discomfort however, is recognised by the mind first and can be a wonderful place where our inner strength is discovered and developed.

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Your Body Is Talking To You

Our bodies are always giving us signals, cues and information. It’s time we re-learnt that the body and the mind are connected and draw all the benefits of creating a relationship with our bodies and understanding this empowering communication channel.

Listening to the body when it talks.

There’s a well known saying that goes:  “If you don’t listen to your body when it whispers, you will have to hear it scream”. Well, discomfort is your body whispering to you.

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