Posts tagged movement therapy
Is Your Body Really Letting You Down?

Tension is your body (or your nervous system controlling your body) adapting to your life.

Tension is created by the body because it doesn’t feel safe, supported, grounded in some way. There is usually a lack of stability and or strength, caused by movement avoidance. Your body avoids certain pathways of movement due to a past injury, emotional holding or other stressor.  

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Intuitively And Intently Moving Through The (New) Year

New Year's resolutions may have not quite started to fall into place yet or are beginning to wane. I cannot stress how important it is to be okay with that. When we make new year's resolutions in the middle of a time, when energetically we aren't ready to begin (because we should be 'hibernating'), we often jump to something that doesn't quite feel right or we don't feel ready for.

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Why your Back Hurts And Why your Health Practitioner Can’t Tell you Exactly Why you Feel Pain

We all have wear and tear on the spine, it is part of the ageing process. But not all wear and tear will cause pain or discomfort.

If we looked at an MRI of a 27 year old spine and that of a 50 year old spine, they can look very similar, with wear and tear showing in the same places. Yet only one of these people may feel back pain and it isn’t necessarily going to be the 50 year old.

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